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Terms and Conditions

Privacy Policy

This policy covers how we use your personal information. We take your privacy seriously and will take all measures to protect your personal information.

Any personal information received will only be used to fill your order. We will not sell or redistribute your information to anyone.

Copyright Policy

Your patronage enables us to produce consistently, high quality digital products for you, the embroiderer offers exclusive artwork and designs which will remain our property and is therefore protected by copyright.

Our terms of use are very simple and you will always get what you paid for.

You may:
  • Stitch the designs you purchased on individual items for sale and may use the design as often as you wish .
  • Use our designs to sew items as donations to charity, gifts and sale for profit.
  • Make one backup cd for your own peace of mind.

You may not:
  • Use our designs for mass production. Commercial embroiderers should contact us for a special license.
  • Sell, share, exchange trade or give away our designs.
  • Alter or copy our designs and sell them as your own.
  • Distribute the embroidery file.
  • Share your login to our website with anybody.

Refund Policy
Due to the electronic nature of the product and the possibility of easy reproduction, refunds are not offered. But, should you have any problems downloading your purchases, receive an incorrect file or damaged file, please contact us immediately and we will assist you as soon as possible.

Thank you for abiding to our terms and conditions. We reserve the right to pursue legal action against anyone who chooses to violate these terms.